Customizable Stadium Seat Cushion 10'X13.25"

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Customizable Stadium Cushion, White Polyester Top with Black Rubber backing, 10" x 13.25" x .47". Excellent item imprinted with local team logo for high schools, universities, civic groups, sports fans, and more.. Plus, these brand builders can serve double-duty as a kneeler that gardeners, plumbers, mechanics and maintenance workers will appreciate. Modern shops are also designing them as gaming pads. To create a giveaway program, schools can co-op with a local business to co-brand the cushions—allowing the sports program to defray costs and the business to show support for the home team. Incorporate a social media aspect by having recipients share photos on social media to receive a coupon for future purchase. A good idea is to bundle these with matched tote bags, hats, Huggers, or flags (sold separately).